
Insure your Nexus One Phone from Google

Ensquared the #1 authority on phone insurance in USA and the wireless Internet has reinforced their reputation by opening up the facts about Nexus One insurance and what this means for the phone insurance industry as a whole. The first fundamental shift in emphasis starts in the way the device is sold: The Nexus One is not locked to any one phone service provider,mbt skor, which means it is an unlocked device – although there will be phone service providers selling it as long as you buy their service. T Mobile seems like they are leading the line in this regard. The impact of both these dynamics has profound influence on Nexus One insurance that will meet user needs best.

Google Android phones have purposely moved head-on,vibram fivefingers against the traditional trend by selling the Nexus One at retail price (over $500) with none of the subsidies normally injected into the formula by the phone service providers. In practically all the rest of the market the phone service provider absorbs a big part of the device front-end cost and lets you pay the majority balance off over the next 24 months – similar to a lease. So it creates the impression that cell phones are cheap. It is only when you lose your phone without having cell insurance that reality kicks in and the cost of replacement or repair gets no help from the provider at all. The Nexus One coming out under the unlocked format has now highlighted this and thus underlined the need for phone insurance no matter what phone you have

The Nexus One has positioned itself against the iPhone specifically. Long before and long after the recent launch arguments for and against the respective devices will go on. This in fact boils down to Google aura versus Apple mystique. The Nexus One insurance versus iPhone insurance is quite another matter and far more nuts and bolts considerations. In this regard iPhone insurance from AT&T its exclusive distributor does not exist and alternative iphone insurance options are lacking in many respects. Internet phone insurance providers have stepped in to fill the gap – somewhat inadequately on coverage and claim limits in particular (i.e. both incomprehensive and restrictive respectively). On the Nexus One device we can expect the same complexities to emerge.

As things stand T Mobile has been most forward in trying to get Nexus One phone service contracts. Problem is that with T Mobile insurance if you don’t insure within 2 weeks of activation they won’t insure you at all. This is a very small window complicated even more by the fact that T Mobile sales personnel are not strong on informing or selling the linked insurance. Also,nike sko, it is not clear if T Mobile will insure an unlocked Nexus One bought elsewhere and then brought to them afterwards to be contracted in. It seems unlikely that they will. Terms of Asurion, their underwriter, normally disqualifies devices not bought directly from the phone service provider. To get Nexus One insurance from T Mobile or AT&T when in fact you never bought the device from them in the first place is not therefore a straight forward proposition and downright improbable. If that is indeed the case, Square Trade will insure your new Nexus One but not an old one,christian louboutin, and then do not include Lost and Stolen. For $144 for 2 years you get extended warranty and accidental damage with a claim limit of $599.

It seems to us the Nexus One insurance is going to qualify you for insurance from Asurion backed T mobile at the phone provider if you agree to buy your phone from the provider locked – and only that way. If that were the case the premium will be around $5.99 pm with a $130 deductible but include lost and stolen. This means you will get accidental damage as well as lost and stolen. Ensquared will remain on top of this topic and bring you new updates as they become evident and at the right time add Nexus One insurance into their unique phone insurance calculator that offers you updated phone insurance solutions like no other on the Internet.

